Fevers are a common concern to parents of children of all ages.
It is important to remember that fever is not an illness itself, but a normal response of the body to help fight off viruses and bacteria. Most fevers resolve on their own and they do not need to be treated unless the patient is uncomfortable which can be determined by increased irritability, decreased activity or decreased food and fluid intake. A fever by definition is a temperature 100.4 F or higher. Anything below this value is considered completely normal! Most children with a fever do not need to be seen by a health care provider.
Symptoms to look out for that may require a visit with your doctor include:
- Constant, severe sore throat
- Severe ear pain
- Severe headache or neck stiffness
- Pain with urination or blood in urine
- Vomiting or diarrhea that is ongoing for more than 3 days
- Extreme drowsiness or confusion
- Signs of dehydration including a dry mouth, decrease in frequency of urination, sunken eyes, etc.
- Any child that is less than 3 months with a temperature of 100.4 or greater should be seen by a health care provider
- If you decide to treat your child with a fever reducer, please follow this link to our Tylenol and Motrin dosing chart. Always dose your child based on weight (not age). Motrin and any other ibuprofen containing products should not be used until your child is at least 6 months of age.